Gum Recession

Doctor Tavana

Gum recession is a periodontological disorder that can occur as a result of factors such as impaired oral hygiene, dental calculus and genetic predisposition. It is also popularly known as tooth recession. Gingival recession is a problem that can be prevented to a significant extent.

What is gum recession? Harmful habits, familial predisposition, bacterial plaque or physical trauma can lead to receding gums. Recession is a common dental health problem that many people face today. It is not only an aesthetic problem, but can also be extremely destructive for the teeth. Over time, teeth can fall out even if there are no other problems.

How to Stop Gum Recession?

If timely measures are not taken or treatment is not carried out, problems up to tooth loss may occur due to recession. Gingival recession can occur due to several factors. You can find some of them in the list below.

  • Too hard and inappropriate brushing techniques
  • Genetic factors
  • Plaque buildup and calculus
  • Smoking and tobacco use
  • Hormonal factors

As soon as you realize that you have receding gums, you should consult a dentist immediately. Teeth should be brushed every day, tartar should be cleaned regularly and habits harmful to dental health should be abandoned. Thus, the possibility of receding gums can be minimized.

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The use of tobacco products such as cigarettes can have devastating consequences for teeth and gum tissue over time. In addition, bad breath and yellow teeth are among the problems commonly experienced by smokers. There are different techniques for the treatment of gingival recession. In the rest of the article, we will look for an answer to the question “what is good for receding gums?”.

Gum Recession Treatment

One of the important factors that damage the gums is tartar. The recession problem that has just started to develop due to calculus can be reversed with professional cleaning. It will also be beneficial for the patient to regularly choose appropriate brushing techniques. However, techniques such as surgical intervention and replacement of lost tissue can give more precise results.

In which cases is gum treatment necessary? If there is a problem affecting the gums, such as infection, tartar and recession, treatment is necessary. The dentist will decide on the most appropriate treatment for the patient after performing the necessary examination. If a tooth loss has occurred due to a gum problem, this loss can be compensated by several methods.

Dental implant is one of the most effective treatments for tooth loss today. For the implant tooth, a titanium screw, which will serve as the root of the tooth, is first placed in the jawbone. After a few months of fusion, a prosthesis is attached to this screw. The prosthesis assumes the functions of the crown of the tooth both aesthetically and functionally.

Gum Recession Surgery

Surgery is sometimes decided for individuals with receding gums. This decision is taken to prevent tooth loss. In advanced cases, surgical intervention may be inevitable. Surgery serves to repair or protect the parts where the gums recede.

The application, known as gum grafting, contributes to the healthy regrowth of the gums. This procedure is painless and should be performed when necessary. Who should be more careful about receding gums?

Gingival recession has become an important oral and dental health problem today. With a few simple precautions and regular check-ups, the negative effects of this disease can be prevented. Those who have more than one person in their family with receding gums, smokers and those who have intense tartar problems should be more careful against this disease.

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